GO/KEGG enrichment analysis
Step 1: Please select a dataset or directly search a dataset
e.g., GSE151531
Step 2: Please select a function enrichment analysis
Gene ontology (GO) KEGG pathway
RBP Prediction
RNA-binding proteins (RBPs) play a critical role in the regulation of alternative splicing (AS). Given a set of differentially regulated alternative exons in a special dataset, we apply the rMAPS web server to perform motif analyses of RBPs in the vicinity of alternatively spliced exons and plots of RNA maps that depict the spatial patterns of RBP motifs.
Please select a dataset or directly search a dataset
e.g., GSE151531
Map of AS events
The tool is used to query and browse the region on chromosome of differentially regulated alternative exons in a special dataset.
Please select a dataset or directly search a dataset
e.g., GSE151531
Drug Discovery
The tool enables users to input interested genes as gene symbol or Ensembl ID to discover and prioritize the potential drugs and actionable targets against human disease at whole transcriptome scale, such as COVID-19 and its related diseases.
Step 1: Please select nomenclature of the query gene(s)
Step 2: Please paste the query gene(s)
Run Reset
The tool enables users to submit their human new RNA-seq data for detection of differential alternative splicing. Please fill in the form and upload the transcriptomic data with its sample information to process the submission.


  • The "*" symbol indicates the required fields.
  • The new transcriptomic data that you submitted generate from homo sapiens.
  • Reference genome (GRCh38) and genome annotation (Homo_sapiens.GRCh38.101.gtf) are used in CASA.

Basic info
Parameters setting
Sample(s) as control group
Drop files here or click to upload (Less than 1GB).
Sample(s) as case group
Drop files here or click to upload (Less than 1GB).
Confirm and submit